
Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Do Bees: Curbee Races the Nasbee 500

Author:  Kyle Donovan
Title: The Do Bees: Curbee Races the Nasbee 500
Publication: January 2007
Publisher: Wannabees Media
Genre: Children
Pages: 22
Audience: 3 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Purchased

Favorite line: "Don't ever give up. That is the key. You can be anything that you want to Bee."

Amazon Synopsis:
The Do' Bees are some amazing bees who each "Do" something in order to "Be What They want To Be." Each story teaches children that no matter what obstacle is before them, they can overcome it and "BE ANYTHING THEY WANT TO BEE". As the cars take off CurBee is in the lead, he is showing off his car and it's amazing speed. Around the first corner there is a loud blast "Oh No," Every bee was asking, "Did CurBees's tire blow?" Can CurBee, who wants to be a race car driver, fix his car in time to win the race? With amazing, vivid, color illustrations throughout, the story of "Curbee Races the NasBee 500," teaches children that if they never give up they can "be anything they want to bee".

My thoughts:
I bought this for my nephew because he loves Cars and I thought this was a cute colorful book he might enjoy. The story rhymes the entire time so it is easy to read. It is an adorable story about bees and they are all racing in the Nasbee 500. Curbee appears to be the racing star and wants to win, but half way through the race his tire blows out. The story shows children that thinking outside of the box and never giving up are great characteristics to allowing you to be anything you want to be. I remember my parents all through my life told me I could be anything I wanted to be. Now, I'm in my last semester of grad school ready to become a librarian. I couldn't be happier and I hope to spread this knowledge to my nephew, he can be anything he wants to be!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fairest: Wide Awake Volume I

Author: Bill Willingham
Artists: Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Matthew Sturges, Shawn McManus
Title: Fairest: Wide Awake Volume I
Publication: November 27, 2012
Publisher: Vertigo
Genre: Graphic Novel, Fantasy, Fairy Tales
Pages: 160
Audience:16 and up
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Source: Purchased

Favorite Quote: "You're an addict. You need stories the way the furrow needs the plow."

Synopsis (from the cover):
They call her Sleeping Beauty, but life's always been ugly for Princess Briar Rose. Cursed at birth by a pissed-off fairy godmother, she wound up acting as a one-woman weapon of mass destruction against the Adversary in the last days of his war against the Free Fables. She won the day, but at the cost of sending herself into a permanent nap from which only true love's kiss can awaken her.

Few would have guessed that it would be Ali Baba Prince of Thieves, who would rise to the challenge- or that he'd be accompanied by an obnoxious, not-quite-a-genie sidekick. But as Briar Rose's true origin is revealed, can this no-longer sleeping beauty and her Prince Charmless escape the cold fury of the Adversary's former right-hand woman--the icily regal Snow Queen?

My thoughts:
 I started collecting the singles for this graphic novel, but then decided to wait for the trade to come out. I really enjoyed the storyline until the last 10 or so pages, which starts a new storyline from out of no where. I was a bit lost through out the entire story because it kept referencing Fables. I understand this novel is a spin off of Fables, but I thought it would be able to hold its own. Apparently, I was wrong. So I have really mixed feelings about the novel. I will want to know what happens so I may wait and check out the next trade to see if I want to continue reading it. Also, my favorite character was Jonah, the bottle imp, and the Snow Queen was pretty cool too. I enjoyed the storyline when background story was not necessary, but when it was it was confusing and irritating. If you have read Fables, then go for Fairest. If you have not read Fables but really want to read Fairest, go for it, but just know you may have to go back and eventually catch up on Fables.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interview, excerpt, & Giveaway: His Allure, Her Passion by Juliana Haygert

In his father’s eyes, Dylan Deveraux is just a playboy spending the family fortune on prostitutes, alcohol, and fast cars. And it isn't even with the cars his father produces. Because of that, his father forbids his presence at the ball that will mark the launch of the US plant of his company, strategically scheduled on Valentine’s Day.

Hayley Allen is a failing model with the worse luck in the world. She always ends up in the hands of cruel designers and photographers. At least, that’s what she tells herself. Better than admit having a weak nervous system that always reacted during her gigs. Desperate, she would do anything to help her career.

Dylan shows up at her door, wasted as usual. Friends for a long time, Hayley is the only one able to put up with Dylan’s bullshit, and he appreciates that, but not the way her heart wants.

Even though he doesn't believe in Valentine's Day, Dylan has an idea for his father's ball. When he suggests a deal to Hayley, a deal that could finally put her in the spotlight of success and help him impress his father, she doesn't hesitate. Even if it means hurting her heart a little more.
Dylan kissed Hayley, his lips moving slowly at first, afraid of getting her madder than she already was, afraid of falling under her spell more than he already had. But her scent burnt his nostrils and her sweet taste teased his mouth, and he lost it. His need grew, and he increased the speed and pressure of the kiss. Startling him, she matched his new rhythm, her soft lips moving along with his, her nails scratching the back of his shoulder, sending shivers down his spine, shaking his core. Wanting more of her, needing more of her, he slid his hands up her bare back, rubbed her silky skin, glued himself to her. He loved her skin on his, her warmth mingled with his.

Dylan could have kissed her forever, and he would have, weren’t it for Dorant.

“Perfect,” the photographer said, destroying the moment. “And that’s a wrap. We’re done here, people.”

The kiss slowed, their hands drew back, and finally Hayley pulled her head back, breaking the kiss, her wide eyes on his.

Damn, he missed her lips already.
“Hayley, I-”

She walked away without hearing him. Perhaps, it was for the best, since he wasn’t sure what to say. He felt he needed to say something, to fix them, to fix their relationship.

Hayley, on the other hand, didn’t seem eager to fix anything. TEXT HERE

Author Bio:
While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting—but equally gratifying—life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in Connecticut and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy.


Nicknames: Ju, Juli, Seca (which is a slang for someone too thin in Portuguese – I was too skinny when a teenager)

Where do you live: Connecticut

Your favorite dessert: hm, anything with hot fudge and ice cream

Your favorite TV series: TVD, Nikita, Arrow, and Beauty and the Beast. I CANNOT choose only one from these.

Last book you read: Breathe by Abbi Glines

Last movie you watched: The Expendables 2 (horrible! good for laughs though)

Last song (or album) you bought: Lucifer by SHINee (South Korean boy band)

A book/series you could read over and over again: I’m not big into re-reading but I would say any book/series by Richelle Mead

Coke or pepsi? Both

Day or night? Night, though, after becoming a mother, I had to force myself to become a day person ;)

Pen or pencil? Pencil

Summer or winter? Winter – I have super low blood pressure and faint a lot during the summer, so …

Cat or dog? Dog

Tea or coffee? Both

Plotter or pantser? I was half-half, but now I’m trying to become more of a plotter

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer? I’ve been writing since I was 13yo, but it was only a hobby. It was around 2009 when I thought I could try this seriously, but I took it very slow in the beginning.

What are you working on now? I’m writing NA contemporary romance called Breaking the Reins and I’m plotting The Everlast #2 which is unnamed yet. And I will not mention how many ideas are swirling around my mind. Too distracting …

If you decided not to be a writer, what would your other dream job be? Why? Architect. I went to architecture school for 3 years. Loved it to death. Still do.

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done in your life? Moved out of my parents’ house in a very small town when I was 16yo and went to live alone in a city with 1.5 million habitants.

Who is the one person that has singlehandedly inspired you the most in your life? My father. He and I always talked a lot, about everything, and he always pushed me to be a better person. Before I went to college (for Architecture, then Graphic Design), he told me I should do something where I could use my writing – he knew I was destined to be a writer, even when I didn’t.

What is one talent that you’re hopeless at, but you wish you had? Singing. And drawing. How I wish I could do both at least a little decently, but nah. I’m hopeless.

What is one trait or physical characteristic that you are proud of/love about yourself? Physical = my greens eyes. Trait = I always treat others as I would like to be treated. Respect is the law.

Do you have any suggestions for aspiring writers? Don’t give up. Each word you put down, you’re improving your craft. Several known authors wrote lots of manuscripts before finding and agent/selling a book. Your time will come. You just have to keep at it.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Y the last man Vol. 1 Unmanned

Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Illustrator: Pia Guerra
Title: Y the last man Vol. 1 Unmanned
Publication: January 2, 2003
Publisher: Vertigo
Genre: Action
Pages: 128
Audience: 18 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Bought

Synopsis (from Barnes & Noble):"Y" is none other than unemployed escape artist Yorick Brown (his mother was a Shakespeare buff), and he's seemingly the only male human left alive after a mysterious plague kills all Y-chromosome carriers on earth. But why are he and his faithful companion, the often testy male monkey Ampersand, still alive? He sets out to find the answer (and his girlfriend), while running from angry female Republicans (now running the government), Amazon wannabes that include his own sister (seemingly brainwashed), and other threats.

My thoughts: Not much is going right for Yorick  Brown. He's unemployed, his girlfriend in on walk about in Australia, and he's a shut in. But things aren't all bad. He's an English major, an escape artist, and he has a pet monkey. However everything changes when every male on earth dies except Yorick and his monkey. I liked this book a lot and I can't wait to read the next volume, because while  a world of only women may sound like the ultimate male fantasy, Yorick doesn't seem to be having a very good time with it.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Saga Vol.1 by Brian K. Vaughan

Author: Brian K. Vaughan
Illustrator: Fiona Staples
Title: Saga
Publication: October 10, 2012
Publisher: Image
Genre: Science Fiction, humor, action
 Pages: 160
Audience: 18 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Bought

Synopsis (Amazon):

When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life into a dangerous old universe. From New York Times bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina) and critically acclaimed artist Fiona Staples (Mystery Society, North 40), Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults. This specially priced volume collects the first six issues of the smash-hit series The Onion A.V. Club calls "the emotional epic Hollywood wishes it could make." Voted one of the top graphic novels of the year by the NYT, IGN, the Examiner, and SF Weekly. Voted Best Comic of the year by MTV Geek and Best New Series by Paradox Comics. Voted a finalist in the GoodReads Best GN of 2012 contest. Voted #2 Graphic Novel of 2012 by Amazon editors.

My thoughts:  Saga. Wow, what can I say about Saga? I picked up this book on a recommendation from a friend, without knowing one single thing about it other than, "Dude it's amazing you need to read it." So I did, and was blown away. This is the story of two military deserters from two opposing planets at war and their newborn child, on the run from a cruel universe. I loved Saga, it has everything from guns and swords to spaceships and ghosts. Keep in mind this book does have nudity, strong language and heavy violence, but don't let that scare you away, because this is a very touching and action packed story. I can not wait till the next volume.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Author:  William Joyce
Illustrator: Joe Bluhm
Title: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Publication: June 19, 2012
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Children
Genre: Children
Pages: 56
Audience: 5 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Public Library

Favorite line: "It was filled with the fluttering of countless pages, and Morris could hear the faint chatter of a thousand different stories, as if each book was whispering an invitation to adventure."

Synopsis (from the cover):
Morris Lessmore love words. He loved stories. He loved books. But every story has its upsets. Everything in Morris Lessmore's life, including his own story, is scattered into the winds. But the power of story will save the day.

My thoughts:
One, I cannot believe I am just now finding out about this book. Two, I had no idea Pixar made a short 15 minute film out of it! I feel so behind on the times.  I cried when I read this book. It is a children's book about the life of a book lover. It is a book on how magical and life changing a book can be. It is about how writing your own story can be as simple as a diary. It is about the book lover in us all who lovingly repairs a favorite novel. It is just a fantastic depiction of a book lover. It describes the magic of books and how opening a book can change your life. It is just a truly wonderful book. I cannot say enough or recommend it enough.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Excerpt: Moon Rise by Marilee Brothers

Title: Moon Rise (Unbidden Magic #2)
Author: Marilee Brothers
Publication: August 1, 2008
Publisher: Bell Bridge Books 
Source: Author/Publisher via netgalley
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy 
Audience: 12 and up

Synopsis: Her mom is still dating losers. Her boyfriend’s gone back to Mexico. Dad still hasn’t told his wife and kids that she exists. At school, the drama queens and bullies still rule. But worst of all for Allie Emerson (aka the Star Seeker of an old Gypsy prophecy) is that her powers have taken a hike. She can’t read minds anymore. She can’t move stuff just by looking at it. The other Star Seekers are counting on her psychic gifts more than ever, and the evil Trimarks are closing in, eager to snatch her magic moonstone necklace while she’s helpless. The hot new guy at school is ready and willing to fight her battles, but he comes with some wicked baggage.

Dear diary: I’m a little worried. My new BF is a demon.

Welcome again to Allie Emerson’s funny, scary, amazing, and always unpredictable life, as the girl voted least likely to save the world from evil.


My mother and I were engaged in a squinty-eyed, visual smack down, neither of us willing to blink. I gripped the edge of the table and glared at her.

“Just because you’re bitter and spiteful doesn’t mean I have to be.”

My voice was shrill with anger. ”Besides, half of me came from my dad, whether you like it or not.”

Faye was sitting at the dinette in the twenty-four-foot travel trailer we called home. “”Brain Dead Roy,” an underwater welder and Faye’s current boyfriend sat between her and the wall, probably so she would wait on him.

“Yeah,” Faye said with a bitter smile. “And I’m seeing his half right now. The half that always has to be right, the half that won’t listen to reason, the half …”

I released my pent-up breath. It whistled through my teeth making a noise that sounded like, Phhhhtttuuuiii.

Faye popped u, danger signs flashing in her eyes. “What did you say?”

Apparently, she’d heard some kind of “f” word in that gibberish and, combined with the uh sound, it wasn’t looking good for me.

I raised my hands and backed away. “Nothing. No way. I wouldn’t say that to you. You heard wrong.”

“Hey, ladies. Take a chill pill.”

Roy said lame stuff like that all the time. He stood, stretched and gazed at us through heavy-lidded eyes, Roy’s version of a look so compelling, so sexy, we would stop fighting and focus on him. If I hadn’t been in the middle of a fight with my mother, I’d have busted out laughing.

Faye and I spoke in unison. “Shut up, Roy.”

Author Bio: 
A former teacher, coach and school counselor, Marilee lives in Washington State and writes full time. Her books include Castle Ladyslipper, a medieval romance, The Rock and Roll Queen of Bedlam, winner of the 2010 Booksellers Best award for romantic suspense, Moonstone, Moon Rise, Moon Spun, Shadow Moon, and Midnight Moon. Marilee is a member of the Romance Writers of America, Pacific Northwest Writers Association and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cover Reveal: Spirit by Shauna Granger

Title: Spirit (Elemental, #5)
Author: Shauna Granger
Release date: April 30, 2013 
Genre: Urban Fantasy 
YA/New Adult/Adult: YA/New Adult 
Cover Design: Mooney Designs 
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours 


Not even a guardian angel is more powerful than Death.

Always careful to watch out for others, Shayna put too much trust her abilities to keep herself safe and has been cut down by crazed man. Now she is trapped in the land of the dead, watching as her two best friends suffer the consequences of her death; their powers are fading and soon they will too. Shayna is desperate to return to the land of the living to save them from a similar, cold fate. To save her friends Shayna must turn away from the Light and, in doing so, sacrifice her wings.

But the longer Shayna stays among the dead, the further she slips from sanity. If Shayna cannot find her way back she will be condemned and lost forever among the restless souls of the dead. With nothing left to lose, she will do whatever it takes to fight her way back, with or without her wings.
About the Author:
Like so many other writers, Shauna grew up as an avid reader, it was in high school that she realized she wanted to be a writer. Five years ago Shauna started work on her Elemental Series and released the first installment, Earth, on May 1, 2011. When not reading and writing, Shauna enjoys cooking and playing hostess whenever she can. 

Cover Reveal: The Truth About Letting Go by Leigh Talbert Moore

A companion to The Truth About Faking (not a sequel; the books can be read out of order), The Truth About Letting Go takes readers back to Shadow Falls, or more specifically Shadow Creek, with Ashley Lockett as she learns about real friendship, love, and letting go.

Title: The Truth About Letting Go
Author: Leigh Talbert Moore
Publication: February 21, 2013

Amazon |B&N|iTunes|Kobo|Goodreads

Synopsis: Ashley wants to smash everything in her once-perfect life. Charlotte wants to walk in Ashley's seemingly charmed shoes. Colt wants to turn Smalltown USA on its ear--with Ashley at his side. Jordan wants to follow his heart... but Ashley is the one sacrifice he never expected to make. 

Up until now, Ashley Lockett has always followed the rules. She's always done the right thing, played it safe, and then her ideal life is shattered when her dad dies suddenly. 

Fueled by anger and grief, she vows to do everything opposite of how she lived before. She rejects safety, the rules, faith, and then she meets Jordan. 

Jordan has big dreams, he's had a crush on Ashley for years, he's a great kisser... but he's also safe. 

Enter Colt. He is not safe, and he's more than willing to help Ashley fulfill her vow. 

I feel Colt laugh, and he looks down into my face. That’s when he seems to realize what I’ve been acutely aware of for the last several minutes—our bodies are pressed together. “It’s awesome, yeah?” he says. “Adrenaline rush.” “Yeah,” I breathe. “I guess.” I’m not sure if he’s going to kiss me until he does. His mouth covers mine, and energy mixes with the alcohol flooding my body. Our tongues slide together, and I grip his shirt so I don’t collapse.  Every single bit of this is wrong, and there’s no way I’m stopping it. It’s back, that good feeling. The sadness has been pushed out again, and in its place is this rush, this rush of adrenaline like Colt said.  He pulls back and smiles at me. “We’re going to start dating. Now. You’re my partner in crime.” 

About the Author:

Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist and editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.

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The Truth About Faking is her debut young adult romance (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo) -

Rouge is her first New Adult romantic suspense novel (on Amazon). Leigh loves hearing from readers; stop by and say hello! 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Guest Post: Cinthia Ritchie Author of Dolls Behaving Badly

Writing in Rural Alaska by Cinthia Ritchie

For two years I lived in a small rural community at the end of the Alaska road system.
Seward, Alaska, is a small town of about 1,800 people. The main industries are fishing, the
railroad and tourism. It’s a working class town filled with working class people. In the winter, when the tourists go home and the streets become quiet, everything closes by 5 p.m.: The cofeeshops and most of the restaurants, and there’s nothing to do but sit in smoky bars and drink or wander around the Safeway buying wilted fruits and vegetables that you don’t need but nevertheless want.

It’s a slow town, a laid back town. Women don’t want makeup or color their hair, and in the
summer when locals don sandals (thick, sturdy sandals with durable soles) and brave their feet to the cold ocean breeze, it’s a shock to come across the occasional painted toenails.
I moved to Seward because of my job as a journalist, but mostly I moved there to write. It’s the perfect writing town. In the evenings the air shadows everything in blue, the most perfect lavender blue, and walking along the shores of Resurrection Bay with the dog, I would often cry from the beauty of it all. Sometimes jellyfish washed up on the shore as I squatted down and stared at their fragile iridescence, I’d yearn for something indistinct yet plausible, something just out of reach.

Because my company was based in Anchorage and I was working as a stringer, I could schedule my reporting duties around my writing, and most nights I sat at my desk in front of large windows overlooking the mountains, and I wrote until I couldn’t move my fingers, wrote until there was nothing left inside of me. Often the sun would be rising up over the mountains just as I was going to bed, and I’d lie in the yellow light of early morning, exhausted and depleted and happier than I had ever been.

Living in a small, semi-isolated community, a place surrounded by vast wilderness, and by a silence like no other, is both a haven and a curse for a writer. A haven because there is nothing to do but write, nestled there along with the energy of the mountains and the bay, the sight of harbor seals and bears. Yet a curse because so much solitude, so much silence forces you to look deep inside of yourself, deeper than you have ever dared, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll like what you see.

I finished my first novel, Dolls Behaving Badly, while living in Seward, and I rewrote the last edits, too, index cards spread out over the living room floor as an eagle soared outside the window. It was surreal, and magical, and some of that magic leaked into my book in the form of ghosts and an optimism I didn’t believe yet nevertheless followed.
After I handed in my last edits, I moved back to Anchorage, to Alaska’s largest city and the grit and noise, the traffic and big-box stores. I’m happier here, in a sense. There are more opportunities for writers, more fellowship, more support, and if I want mountains, I can be out in the wilderness in twenty minutes driving time. Still, it’s not the same. There are birch trees outside my window now, not mountains, and the light is different and so is the air. There is little magic and no hushed solitude, no long days of writing nonstop and talking to no one but the dog.

I’m working on my second novel now and while it’s going well, I can’t help missing Seward,
missing the mountains pressed up to town and how enclosed I felt, and how safe. I don’t know if I’ll ever have such solitude in my life again, or so much writing time, and I miss it. It’s like an ache, like the yearning for a lost love, one you miss with a nostalgic loss made ever the more bittersweet because you know that no matter what you do, you can never go back recapture it.
You don’t necessarily want to recapture it but still, you miss it, you long for it all the same.

Excerpt from Dolls Behaving Badly 
Thursday, Sept. 15 
This is my diary, my pathetic little conversation with myself. No doubt I will burn it halfway through. I’ve never been one to finish anything. Mother used to say this was because I was born during a full moon, but like everything she says, it doesn’t make a lick of sense.
     It isn’t even the beginning of the year. Or even the month. It’s not even my birthday. I’m starting, typical of me, impulsively, in the middle of September. I’m starting with the facts. 
     I’m thirty-eight years old. I’ve slept with nineteen and a half men. 
     I live in Alaska, not the wild parts but smack in the middle of Anchorage, with the Walmart and Home Depot squatting over streets littered with moose poop. 
     I’m divorced. Last month my ex-husband paid child support in ptarmigan carcasses, those tiny bones snapping like fingers when I tried to eat them. 
     I have one son, age eight and already in fourth grade. He is gifted, his teachers gush, remarking how unusual it is for such a child to come out of such unique (meaning underprivileged, meaning single parent, meaning they don’t think I’m very smart) circumstances. 
     I work as a waitress in a Mexican restaurant. This is a step up: two years ago I was at Denny’s. 
     Yesterday, I was so worried about money I stayed home from work and tried to drown myself in the bathtub. I sank my head under the water and held my breath, but my face popped up in less than a minute. I tried a second time, but by then my heart wasn’t really in it so I got out, brushed the dog hair off the sofa and plopped down to watch Oprah on the cable channel. 
     What happened next was a miracle, like Gramma used to say. No angels sang, of course, and there was none of that ornery church music. Instead, a very tall woman (who might have been an angel if heaven had high ceilings) waved her arms. There were sweat stains under her sweater, and this impressed me so much that I leaned forward; I knew something important was about to happen. 
      Most of what she said was New Age mumbo-jumbo, but when she mentioned the diary, I pulled myself up and rewrapped the towel around my waist. I knew she was speaking to me, almost as if this was her purpose in life, to make sure these words got directed my way.
      She said you didn’t need a fancy one; it didn’t even need a lock, like those little-girl ones I kept as a teenager. A notebook, she said, would work just fine. Or even a bunch of papers stapled together. The important thing was doing it. Committing yourself to paper every day, regardless of whether anything exciting or thought-provoking actually happens. 
      “Your thoughts are gold,” the giant woman said. “Hold them up to the light and they shine.” 
        I was crying by then, sobbing into the dog’s neck. It was like a salvation, like those traveling preachers who used to come to town. Mother would never let us go but I snuck out with Julie, who was a Baptist. Those preachers believed, and while we were there in that tent, we did too. 
       This is what I’m hoping for, that my words will deliver me something. Not the truth, exactly. But solace.
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound

Cinthia Ritchie is a former journalist who lives and runs mountains and marathons in Alaska. Her work can be found at New York Times Magazine, Sport Literate, Water-Stone Review, Under the Sun, Memoir, damselfly press, Slow Trains, 42opus, Evening Street Review and over 45 literary magazines. Her first novel, Dolls Behaving Badly, released Feb. 5 from Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group.
Website | Facebook | Twitter  

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cover Reveal: Bitter Angel by Megan Hand

Title: Bitter Angel
Author: Megan Hand
Expected release date: April 1, 2013
Genre:  Thriller
Age Group: New Adult
Cover Designer: BDesign  
Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

Torn between two realities.
A choice that will mean life or death.
She won’t know anything… until she wakes up.

College sophomore, Lila Spencer lived Friday night twice. She doesn’t know how or why, just that she did. As if she split in half and went in two different directions.

Out clubbing with her friends, Heather and Nilah, the girls rock it out and party hard. What begins as an innocent night will lead to a deadly fight for their lives, and Lila might be their only chance for survival.

In bed with her boyfriend, Jay, Lila is safe and warm as she drifts to sleep in the arms of the man she loves. Until she is sucked into a horrifying nightmare of her friends’ deaths.

As the sunlight warms her face on Saturday morning, the two scenarios collide. But there can be only one outcome. Will she wake up in her warm bed with Jay by her side, devastated and grieving for her friends? Or was she there to save them?

The answer is just the beginning.
About the Author
At twelve, Megan decided to write a novel. A month later, she quit. A reading junkie by nature, she started writing again in her twenties as a way to get the voices out, because who wouldn't want to create a Real Living Person out of thin air? Megan also plays the piano and sings. She teaches little kids and takes pictures of pretty butterflies. She eats way too much chocolate, is sort of a mad scientist with her blender, and spends an unhealthy amount of time LOLing on Facebook and Twitter. She lives in Ohio with her husband and very smiley son. Bitter Angel is her first published novel.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Creatures of the Desert World

Author: National Geographic Society
Title: Creatures of the Desert World
Publication: January 1, 1991 (4th edition)
Publisher: National Geographic Children's Book
Genre: Children, Pop Up, Educational
Pages: 16
Audience: 3 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Purchased

 Goodreads Synopsis:
People, animals, and places, from ancient times to the present, spring to life from these imaginative and entertaining pop-up books. Multi- tiered illustrations will delight young readers as well as adults. These highly involving books have from five to seven pop-up spreads and, in most cases, one or two action devices on every page.

My thoughts:
I know this book is probably older than me, considering the fourth reprint/edition was put out in 1991, but it is so cool. I picked this up the Friend's of the Library for my nephew. However, it is at my apartment and I live three hours I've been playing with it. Not only is the book educational- it is a POP UP BOOK! I don't care if you 100 or 2- pop up books are awesome! Some of the pop ups move, so I've been making the bats fly, the mountain cubs play, and the snakes slither all while learning about the desert creatures. I cannot wait to give this to my nephew!