
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers

Authors: James Roberts, Nick Roche

Title: Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers
Publication: March 6, 2012
Publisher: IDW
Genre: Action, Adventure. Comic Book
Pages: 172
Audience: 16 and up
Rating: 5 of 5
Source: Purchased

Synopsis(from Amazon):
The Autobot special ops crew, The Wreckers, are sent to investigate Garrus-9, a prison that fell to the Decepticons three years ago with no communication in or out since. Who's really behind the prison siege, and what dark secret awaits Springer there? The answers to those questions will send this mission to the razors edge!

My thoughts:

I didn’t grow up with Transformers, so I missed out on the campy 80's cartoon, which is fine because I was and still am a Ninja Turtles kid. All the same I’ve been getting in to Transformers lately and since I have loved what IDW has been doing with the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles this year, I decided to see how well the “Robots in the disguise” transformed (see what I did there?) in to comics. I started with Last Stand of The Wreckers because even though it takes place kind of deep in the Transformers storyline, it focuses on mostly background characters, and is a stand alone story. I wouldn’t be lost as to what’s going on.  Last Stand of The Wreckers somehow took big colorful robots, and put them in a story that was action packed, funny, gritty, sad, and thought provoking, and it worked. This book makes you ask yourself, "If I had the chance to live my biggest dream even though it could mean the end of everything, would I do it?" I loved this book and recommend it to any Transformers fan, but if your all together new to Transformers you may want to wait on this one.



  1. Great review! I admit I've never read any of these but I have seen the movies. :)

  2. "If I had the chance to live my biggest dream even though it could mean the end of everything, would I do it?"- I love that quote. Great review. I know you have told me about this comic, but it sounds interesting now that I have read the review. Good job. :)

    1. Guess I'm just more than meets the eye...

  3. Hey, I loved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles too! I was always so jealous of my brother getting TMNT toys and not me ;) Anyways I think I'll check this book out. Thanks for the review.
