
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Chloe,Instead by Micah Player

Author: Micah Player
Title: Chloe, Instead
Publication: April 18, 2012
Publisher: Chronicle Books
Pages: 32 pp.
Rating: 4 out of 5
Source: Library

Molly always dreamed of having a sister who is just like her. But she got Chloe, instead. These two sisters are nothing alike: Molly loves to color with crayons. Chloe prefers the taste of wax. Molly loves to read. Chloe prefers to nibble a book's spine. Molly is frustrated! But then she realizes that maybe sisters aren't the ones next to you on the piano bench, they're the ones dancing to the music you play! This humorous, perceptive snapshot of sibling love is perfect for those who may need a bit of convincing what fun little siblings can be!

Thoughts: We all know how annoying younger siblings can be but they also can be your best friend and Molly learns this first hand. She hoped that her sister would be just like her but what fun would that be, it actually can be quite boring. Chloe and Molly like the same things but they approach them in different ways like reading. Molly reads books and well Chloe likes to rip them apart. She is very active and into everything till the point her sister begins to unravel and she hurts Chloe feelings, so in trying to make peace they get a better understanding of each and begin to realize that different is not so bad at all. I love Chloe, true she comes across as a bad child but she is adorable, which is something people say a lot about "active" children. 'Little so and so is bad but just so darn cute', like that's excuses them being little deviants. I think the illustrations are very colorful and give a great representation of the story, which is as full of life as the two sisters. Any who, this a good story about the bond between sibling. 

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I remember you telling me about this one. It looks so precious! I'll have to run by the library and check it out.
