
Friday, November 16, 2012

Little Beauty

Author: Anthony Browne
Illustrator: Anthony Browne
Title: Little Beauty
Publication: August 24, 2010
Publisher: Candlewick
Genre: Children's
Pages: 32
Audience: 2 and up
Rating: 4 out of 5
Source: Public Library


Synopsis (from Goodreads): 
Once there was a very special gorilla who had almost everything he needed. There was only one thing he didn't have: a friend. With no other gorillas at the zoo, the keepers try something new. Will the gigantic ape strike a bond with another sort of creature, one as tiny and innocent as a kitten? Sparked by the story of a real gorilla who learned to sign, "Little Beauty" is a celebration of a most surprising friendship

My thoughts:
Is this book cover precious or what? That is what sold me on the book. It was too cute. The story is perfect for young children and it tells a tale of friendship between the most unlikely of friends. The illustrated dynamic between the kitten and gorilla is so adorable and funny. Another neat thing about the story is the gorilla knows sign language which would be something  cool to introduce children to. I enjoyed the story, but I enjoyed the illustrations even more.


  1. This is super cute. I will have to go check this one out. Jessie keeps begging for a trip to the library now I just need to set aside a day.
