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Friday, August 22, 2014

Excerpt & Giveaway: Pandora Boxed Set

Pandora Boxed Set
Publication date: August 5th 2014
Genres: Paranormal


Do you dare open the box?

Whether you love paranormal in the form of romance, suspense, mystery, horror, or fantasy, this box set will have something to entice your preternatural sensibilities. Supernaturally thrilling and engaging, this box set has it all: ghosts, vampires, mind-readers, shape-shifters, demons, faeries, werewolves, and more.

For a limited time, you can enjoy books from today’s New York Times, USA Today, Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestselling authors and many more. We have everything from titles that are slated for the big screen to stories from Pulitzer Prize and Bram Stoker Award Nominees! When purchased separately, these books cost over $50! But they are your’s today for less than $1.

Professionally formatted, no cliffhangers, and no short stories. Every selection in this rare, limited edition paranormal box set are full-length novels and novellas! A few are “First in Series,” but we carefully selected only those which can still be enjoyed as a standalone!
With:Riley J Ford, New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author: INTO YOURebecca Hamilton, Amazon Best-Selling and Film-Optioned Novelist: HER SWEETEST DOWNFALLApryl Baker, Amazon Best-Selling and Film-Optioned Novelist: THE AWAKENINGCarole Lanham, Amazon Best-Selling Author and Bram Stoker Award Nominee: CLEOPATRA’S NEEDLEThomas Sullivan, Pulitzer Prize Nominee: THE WATER WOLFRainy Kaye, Amazon Best-Selling Author: SUMMONEDLaura Howard, Amazon Best-Selling Author: THE FORGOTTEN ONESNoree Cosper, B.R.A.G. Medallion Honoree: A PRESCRIPTION FOR DELIRIUMLouise Caiola, Amazon Best-Selling Author: WHAT TRULY KNOWSKelley Anne Blount, Amazon Best-Selling Author: SHADESusan Stec, Amazon Best-Selling Author: DEAD GIRLS NEVER SHUT UPChristi Goddard, Amazon Best-Selling Author: FOUR IN THE MORNINGSteven Katriel, Amazon Best-Selling Author: THE PORTRAIT OF ALATIEL SALAZARHeather Kenealy, winner of MTV’s “Stan Lee presents the Seekers” contest and Cinescape’s Short Story Contest: THE TRAITORS’ TRILOGYPeter Dawes, Blogger Book Fair Reader’s Choice Award winner: EYES OF THE SEERDelSheree Gladden, Amazon Best-Selling Author: INVISIBLEwith…Angela Fristoe: LIE TO MEConner Kressley: THE BREAKER’S CODESamantha LaFantasie: MADE TO FORGETRachel Walter: TRUE CONNECTION

Save over $50! This set is only available at this price for a limited time, so order your copy before it’s gone!

by Kelly Anne Blount
Blood dripped down my forehead and blurred my vision. I swallowed hard as I wiped it out of my eyes and on to my tattered dress. Trying to control my breathing, I focused on the dark alley head of me. I knew he was out there, but I didn’t know where.
The hair stood up on the back of my neck as I pressed my body against a cool brick wall. How did this go so wrong? A door slamming caused my heart to take off like a cheetah chasing a gazelle. I crouched down and frantically looked for a makeshift weapon. Finally, my hands came across a broken metal pipe. I picked it up and clutched it to my chest. 
With my fingers trembling, I took a step into the deserted alleyway. Trying to stay close to the wall, I sprinted as quietly as possible. A mixture of blood and tears dripped down my forehead as the pavement pounded under my feet. Every inch of my being wanted to scream, but I held it in. Just make it out of this alley! Then you can scream! 
A deep rumbling voice echoed off the walls and sent chills through my core, “You can run, but I’ll always find you, Abriana.” 
I couldn’t tell which direction it originated from and I didn’t stop to find out. Instead, I propelled my legs forward faster than I thought humanly possible. I chanted a one-word mantra the entire time. Survive. Survive. Survive!
A cool breeze whipped between the buildings and sent shivers down my damp neck. I could see a street in front of me. It was late, but a few people were still out and driving around. 
My chest ached and my lungs felt like they were about to burst into flames at any moment. I sucked in as much air as they would hold and pushed my body’s limits. 
You’re almost there! Just a few more feet! 
Suddenly, I felt fingernails dig into my shoulder and pull my body backward. The change in momentum caused me to fall flat on my back, knocking the air out of my lungs in the process. 
A metallic taste in my mouth and an ache in the back of my head were the last things I remembered before everything went black… 
I awoke to a strange noise followed by, “Tsk, tsk, tsk.”
I tried to open my eyes, but panicked when I saw nothing but darkness. Goosebumps instantly covered my arms. Why can’t I see? Where am I? I wiggled back and forth, bumping into a low ceiling and carpeted walls.
“You shouldn’t have run away from me,” came the nefarious voice belonging to the man in the dark alleyway. He gave a wicked laugh. “You know who I am and you know what I look like. The blindfold is so you don’t know where we’re going.” 
My lips began to tremble and my eyes filled with tears, but I forced them to stay at bay. Struggling, I tried to bring my hands to my face, but couldn’t. My wrists burned as a rope rubbed against my skin. 
He let out another laugh that left me chilled to the core. “I can’t risk you trying to run away again, now, can I?” 
Fear quaked through my body and a cold sinking feeling spread through my core. “Why are you doing this to me?” 
The corners of his lips turned up into a wicked smile. “Because I love you.”

by DelSheree Gladden
Without warning, catching my breath seems impossible. I don’t know if I can handle the thought that someone might actively be trying to hurt Mason. Before I can stop myself, I feel tears begin sliding down my cheeks. I’m not the only one who feels them. Mason reaches up and touches my face, seeming startled when he realizes I am crying. Not that I can blame him. I’m about as much of a crier as he is. 
“Oh, Ollie,” he says softly. His strong, but gentle arms easily pull me out from behind him and nestle me against his body. I curl against him as I try to shut out the fear that is quickly swallowing me up. 
“Mason, I can’t bear the thought of losing you,” I whisper against his chest. 
His arms press me against him so tightly there is no space left between us. “I’ve already lost one family. I won’t lose you, too.” 
The night quiets as we lay in each other’s arms. Slowly, Mason’s breathing calms. As he relaxes, my own fears begin to calm as well. They don’t disappear, but they come down to a manageable enough level that I can think and ask the question lingering in both of our minds. 
“Mason, what do we do now?” 
He sighs. His fingers stroke my hair softly. “I don’t know. I’m not sure how to get more information out of Robin without telling her the truth.” 
“We can’t tell her the truth. We have no idea who she’s really involved with. It’s too big of a risk.” 
“I know, but we have to stay close to her, too. If she is a threat, we can’t be blind to it.” 
I know he’s right, but I don’t like to think about Mason being so close to someone who could potentially hurt him. But what choice do we have? I look up at Mason and find him already staring down at me with a look of concern. Something about the moment makes my heart lurch. It takes me a few seconds to gather my thoughts. 
“Mason, we’ll figure this out,” I promise. 
As his fingers brush against my cheek, that strange sensation flashes again, but I am too anxious to pay it much attention. 
“Out of everything Robin told us today, do you know what hurt the most?” Mason asks, surprising me by his change in topic. He doesn’t wait for me to answer. “Robin said something like sometimes it’s hard to remember ‘I wasn’t human,’ that I was sent here to be raised by Caretakers. Do you realize what that means? Not only am I not human, my family isn’t even my real family. All of the sudden, I’ve lost another family, one I never knew, maybe one that didn’t even want me to begin with.” 
“We’ll find answers, Mason.” 
I know it’s not much as far as comfort goes, but I don’t know what else to say. I have no idea why anyone would give up someone as wonderful as Mason. If his biological parents didn’t want him, their stupidity was our gain. I can’t imagine my life without Mason. 
I have no idea what time it is, but weariness begins to creep over me. My eyes are starting to close when Mason asks one last question. 
“Do you think Robin is right about me not being human?” 
A yawn stretches my jaw before I can answer. “I don’t know. Maybe. You are invisible.” 
“Does that bother you?” he asks quietly. 
My shrug is more of a twitch as sleeps tries to steal me away. “Why would it? I love you no matter where you came from.”

by Rebecca Hamilton

Night crept over Damascus. After treating the rapidly warming serpent mark with more Cruor blood, Ophelia spun toward the open door. Ethan sat between the frame, his strong shoulders resting back, his face turned to the field where a small red fox burrowed in the dirt. The night breeze wisped through his hair. She set the blankets on the end of the bed and walked over.
“Is it far?” she asked.
“No.” He cleared his throat but didn’t look up at her. “Sorry. For a human, it’s very far, but it won’t be for us.”
Ophelia bunched her fingers together in front of her stomach. “Same as we got ‘ere then?”
She stepped around, outside, and kneeled in the grass across from him, resting her hands in her lap. “Ethan, if something is wrong . . . ”
“I’d tell you,” he replied, lifting his gaze from a long piece of grass he’d been slipping between his fingers. Moonlight paled his tan complexion and darkened the shade of his jaw, making him appear more defeated than he had hours ago.
“The Cruor I mentioned earlier is in the Americas. She’s not expecting us.”
“But I thought—”
“Please trust me.” He stood and dusted off his pants, then leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb. 
She tried for a smile and busied herself attempting to prop up a wildflower that was wilting among the yellow grass. 
When she looked up, Ethan’s expression was gentle. His gaze moved from the small flower to her eyes. There was a brief moment where she wondered if he, like Lady Karina, found her bright, ice-blue eyes alarming. But his express was soft, and her fears quickly melted. He walked behind her, crouched down, and covered her hand with his, his fingertips touching the flower. It revived before her very eyes, and Ophelia leaned her head against Ethan’s shoulder as she stared at the flower in awe.
“Beautiful,” she whispered, wishing she had been destined to be one of the Ankou—to be one of the elementals who revived life and put an end to evil, rather than bring death. 
She told him as much.
He sat back, and she turned around to face him. He was standing now, holding his hand out to her. 
“Come with me,” he said.
He took her hand and they fell through darkness just as they had when he’d taken her to the cabin. When she could see again, her stomach suddenly jolted. She hunched forward, heaving, but this time she did not vomit. She held her midsection until the feeling passed, then dried the moisture from her eyes.
Ethan smoothed his hand across her shoulder blades. “Traveling will get easier with time. By your third or fourth time you shouldn’t feel anything.”
“Why does this keep happening?” she demanded. She could hardly think straight.
“When we travel this way, we are in the in-between. You are suspended from such things as time and space and then thrust immediately back into it. Your system is forced to catch up instantly on arrival. If not for the magic the Ankou are granted, it could kill you.”
Ophelia sighed, nodding. “Where are we?”
Ethan turned her toward a small house and pressed his fingers to his lips.
He led her along the outer walls of the house until they reached a window. Inside, a man and a woman held each other, crying. Ophelia peered around the room, trying to make sense of what she was searching for. She found her answer on the floor. A young man sat, collapsed to his knees, covered in blood.
“What ‘appened?” Ophelia whispered.
“The young man just watched his comrades kill his sister.” Ethan’s voice was tight and his tone clipped. “He was unable to act to save her. He’s returned home to tell their parents.”
Ophelia backed away, shaking her head. When Ethan approached, she pounded her fist against his chest. “Why would ye show me such a thing?”
Ethan didn’t move, even as Ophelia tried once again to push him away. “The young girl who lost her life was a dual-breed. She was only killed because of what she is, and for no greater reason. This . . . this is what we’re fighting for. It is not that I want you in harm’s way, or that I wish for you to become a creature you detest. If I could do this for you, protect you from your calling, I would. But I cannot let my feelings for you sway our responsibility. I am confident you are capable, that you can do this to save the innocents in this world.”

Though Ophelia tried, she could not summon a response. She covered her mouth with hand, her entire body trembling. Could she live with herself, knowing all this, if she didn’t try to help?

Giveaway: This giveaway is for one (1) ebook copy of Pandora Boxed Set and is open internationally. This giveaway is sponsored by the author and/or Xpresso Book Tours. Please use the rafflecopter form below to enter. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #7: A Little Princess by Francess Hodgson Burnett

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading

Synopsis: Sara Crewe leads a lavish lifestyle at Miss Minchin's boarding school. But when Sara's father dies, leaving her a poor orphan, Miss Minchin forces her to work very hard to earn her stay in a dingy attic. Her vivid imagination, strong will, and fierce determination help Sara to escape her dreadful life in the attic. See how Sara overcomes her hardships and finds happiness!

Teaser: "Soldiers do not complain, am not going to do it. I will pretend that his is part of a war. I am a prisoner in the enemy's camp"
p. 65, A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett 

Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
Share the title and author, too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Excerpt & Giveaway: The Silver Siren by Chanda Hahn

Title: The Silver Siren
Author: Chanda Hahn
Series: Iron Butterfly Series #3
Publication: May 25th 2014
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

Synopsis: Every journey has an end.

Unable to find the answers she sought in Skyfell, Thalia, Joss, and Kael travel to Haven with a prisoner in tow. An attack on the road waylays their plans, and Thalia finds herself traveling alone with Kael to the hidden sanctuary of the SwordBrothers.

But war is on the horizon and the Raven is amassing his army. This time, the target is not Calandry, but the Sirens of Sinnedor. When family ties are revealed, Thalia must choose sides. Desperate to break the final seal on her power and save those she loves, will Thalia willingly taste the bitter pain of the iron butterfly machine one final time?

Someone yanked the sack off of my head. I’d been so lost in thought that I didn’t hear him come over. My eyes flew open and I saw a young man with pimples. He grimaced when he looked into my eyes. He had pulled off his red robe and had it tucked under his arm. I had yet to see my eyes, so I could only imagine what they looked like to send such fear into him.
“See? She’s alive,” he yelled over his shoulder.
“Quick, someone’s coming. Knock her out so she doesn’t warn anyone.” The now familiar voice yelled into the darkness. The young pimple-faced Septori grabbed my head, pinched my nose, and poured a draft into my mouth.
The taste was different. I was actually shocked to realize they’d switched tactics. It was a sleeping draft. I fought against my eyelids as huge weights seemed to tug them down.
The young man jumped up and moved into the shadows of the cave, blade in hand. A few moments later, I saw the familiar outline of Kael at the entrance to the cave. Walking right into a trap.
“Wait!” I tried to whisper, fighting against the sleeping draft.
Kael kept walking, oblivious to the trap.
I heard swords being drawn behind him. The Septori closed in.
He was outnumbered and cornered.

Author Bio:
Chanda is a bestselling and award winning author of the UnEnchanted: An Unfortunate Fairy Tale series and the Iron Butterfly series. She’s been a bestseller in five countries and was named one of Amazon’s top 100 customer favorite author. She uses her experience as a children’s pastor, children’s librarian and bookseller to write compelling and popular fiction for teens. She was born in Seattle, WA, grew up in Nebraska and currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband and their twin children.
Giveaway: There are two  giveaways. The first is for a Kindle paperwhite and is open to US and Canada residents. The second is for one (1) ebook copy of The Silver Siren and is open internationally. 
Both giveaways are sponsored by the Author and/or Xpresso Book Tours. Please use the rafflecopter forms below to enter.