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Aikens-Nunez, Tialia Escucha Means Listen
Akpan, Uwem Say You're One of Them
Anastasiu, Heather Glitch
Anderson, G.S. Omega Child
Anderson, Laurie H Wintergirls
Andreyko, Marc Birds of Prey: The Death of Oracle
Anonymous Lucy in the Sky
Asher, Jay Thirteen Reasons Why

Beaumont, Karen I Ain't Gonna Paint No More!
Bedard, Tony and Calloway, Peter Gotham city sirens Volume 3: Strange Fruit
Black, Daniel Perfect Peace
Bracken, Beth; Fraser, Beth Wish (Faerieground #1)
Brackett, Marc Keeping Score~A Guide to Love and Relationships
Brashares, Ann  Sisterhood Everlasting
Brennan, Allison Speak No Evil
Brennan, Sarah Rees Unspoken
Brewster, Alicia Wright Echo
Brezenoff, Steve Curses For Sale (Raven's Pass)
Brothers, Marilee Midnight Moon (Unbidden Magic #5)
Browne, Anthony Little Beauty

Calloway, Peter Gotham City Sirens Volume 4: Divison
Calonita, Jen Belles (Belles #1)
Calonita, Jen Winter White (Belles #2)
Cameron, Leandi A Tale of the Other Kind
Casey, Ryan What We Saw
Cikins, Jill Today I Am A Princess
Cross, Ethan The Prophet: A Shepherd Thriller

Daly, Niki Once Upon a Time
Dee, Debbie The Last Witch
Dee, Debbie The Underground Witch (Incenaga Trilogy, #2)
Deviny, Kathie Death in the Memorial Garden
Dewoskin, Rachel Big Girl Small
Dini, Paul Batman: Mad Love and Other Stories
Dini, Paul Gotham City Sirens, Volume I: Union
Dini, Paul Gotham City Sirens, Volume II Songs of the sirens
Donovan, Kyle The Do Bees: Curbee Races the Nasbee 500
Dunrea, Olivier A christmas Tree for Pyn

Eagland, Jane Wild Song
Ebbers, A.F. Dangerous Past
Eichler, Glenn Mush!: Sled Dogs With Issues
Elliott, David Knitty Kitty
Evanovich, Janet Wicked Appetite
Evanovich, Janet Wicked Business

Falconer, Ian Olivia
Falor, Janeal You Are Mine
Fisher, Kinball Finding The Baby Jesus
Flood, Nancy Bo No-Name Baby
Forrest, Bella A Shade of Vampire
Forster, Rebecca Hostile Witness
FosberryJennifer Isabella: Star of the Story  

Gagnon, Michelle Strangelets
Gaiman, Neil Black Orchid Deluxe Edition
Gaiman, Neil Blueberry Girl
Gaiman, Neil Chu's Day
Gaiman, Neil Odd and the Frost Giants
Gaiman, Neil The Dangerous Alphabet
Gaiman, Neil The Sandman
Gaiman, Neil The Sandman: Endless Nights
Gaiman, Neil The Sandman: Dream Hunters
Gaiman, Neil  The Wolves in the Walls
Gallagher, Diana New Firsts
Garcia, Kami, Stoho, Margaret Beautiful Creatures
Garcia, Kami; Stohl, Margaret Beautiful Darkness
Gavin, Andy Untimed 
Goodman, Alison Eon
Goodman, Alison Eona (Eon #2)
Grant, Michael Gone
Green, George Dawes The Juror
Green, Stacy Into The Dark
Greenfield, Amy Butler Chantress
Guess, Shari Once Upon A Baby

Hamilton, Virgina Bluish
Hanova, Natasha Edge of Truth
Haygert, Juliana Destiny Gift
Hoag, Tami Night Sins
Hopkins, Ellen Identical
Howrey, Meg The Cranes Dance


Jenkins, Beverly Night Hawk
Jinks, Catherine Abused Werewolf Rescue Group
Johnson, Suzanne Royal Street Sentinels of New Orleans #1
Jones, Jen Faith and the Camp Snob
Jordan, Sophie Vanish
Joyce, William The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

Kanata, Konami Chi's Sweet Home Volume 1
Kanata, Konami Chi's Sweet Home Volume 2
Kanata, Konami Chi's Sweet Home Volume 3
Kanata, Konami Chi's Sweet Home Volume 4
Kesel, Karl Harley Quinn: Preludes and Knock-Knock Jokes
Kinrade, Kimberly The Forbidden Trilogy
Kittredge, Catlin The Iron Thorn: The Iron Codex Book One
Kittredge, Catlin The Nightmare Garden: The Iron Codex Book Two
Klein, Alina Rape Girl

LaFevers, Robin Gravy Mercy
Land, Jon Pandora's Temple
Langley, Lee Butterfly's Shadow
Lansing, John The Devil's Necktie
Larsen, Patti Family Magic
Lathan, M. Hidden
Lawson, Jenny Let's Pretend This Never Happened
Lewis, Beverly The Covenant: Book 1 of Abram's Daughters
Leyton, Bisi Wisteria
Losure, Mary The Fairy Ring
Lu, Marie Legend

Mansbach, Adam Seriously, Just Go to Sleep
Mays, Buddy E is for Eggplant
Mays, Buddy The magical World of Flower Faires
McBride, Kristina One Moment
McDonald, Cindy (The Unbridled Series #1) 
McDonald, Cindy Dangerous Deception (The Unbridled Series #3)
McGarry, Neil & Ravipnto, Daniel The Duchess of The Shallows
McGuire, Jamie Beautiful Disaster
McGuire, Jamie Walking Disaster
McMann, Lisa Dead to You
Meister, Cari Follow the Drinking Gourd
Mercer, Christina Arrow of the Mist
Meyer, Marissa Cinder
Meyer, Marissa Scarlet: Lunar Chronicles Book 2
Moss, Miriam The Snow Bear
Myron, Vicki Dewey There's a Cat in the Library!

National Geographic Society Creatures of the Desert World
Noel, Alyson Fated (The Soul Seekers #1)
Noel, Alyson Echo (The Soul Seekers #2)

Oelschlager, Vanita Ivy in Bloom: The Poetry of Spring from Great Poets and Writers from the Past
Oelschlager, Vanita Postcards from a War
Oelschlager, Vanita Tale of Two Daddies
O'Grady, Brian Amanda's Story

Patterson, Jack Cross the Line
Pfeffer, Susan Beth Last Survivors Series
Player, Micah Chloe, Instead
Picoult, Jodi House Rules
Price, Lissa Starters


Reese, Jenn Above World
Reeves, Scott Colony
Richardson, Justin & Parnell, Peter And Tango Makes Three
Rinella, Diane Love's Forbidden Flower
Roberts, James & Roche, Nick Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers
Rodkey, Geoff Deadweather & Sunrise(Chronicles of Egg #1)
Rodrigue, Michel Sybil the Backpack Fairy: Nina
Roth, Veronica Divergent
Rucka, Greg Batwoman Elegy

Sapphire Push
Satrapi, Marjane Persepolis: A Story of Childhood
Satrapi, Marjane Persepolis 2: The Story of a Return
Sacks, Nathan American Hip Hop: Rappers, DJs, and Heard Beats
Shan, Darren Zom-B
Silver, Anna Otherborn (Book One)
Simone, Gail Batgirl Volume 1: The Darkerst Reflection (New 52)
Simone, Gail Birds of Prey: The Death of Oracle
Simone, Gail Batgirl Volume 2: Knightfall Descends
Singer, Marilyn Tallulah's Solo
Sipper, Moshe Xor: The Shape of Darkness
Staczynski, J. Michael Superman Earth One
Stiefvater, Maggie; Graftton, Tessa; Yovanoff, Brenna The Curiosities: A Collection of Stories
Steifvater, Maggie Forever
Strauss, Lee Perception (Perception #1)
Strauss, Lee Volition (Perception #2)
Swierczynski, Duane Birds of Prey Volume 1: Trouble in Mind

Thompson, Larry Dead Peasants


VanHook, Kevin Oracle: The Cure

West, Jacqueline Spellbound: The Books of Elsewhere Vol 2
Williams III, J. H.; Blackman, Haden Batwoman, Volume I: Hydrology
Williams III, J. H.; Blackman, Haden Batwoman, Volume 2: To Drown The World
Willingham, Bill Fairest: Wide Awake Volume I
Witter, Bret Dewey There's a Cat in the Library!
Woodsmall, Cindy The Scent of Cherry Blossoms
Woodsmall, Cindy The Sound of Sleigh Bells
Workinger, Shelley Settling
Workinger, Shelley Solid
Workinger, Shelley Sound
Workman, RaShelle Blood and Snow: The Complete Set


Yamaguchi, Kristi It's a Big World, Little Pig!
Yolen, Jane Meow
Yolen, Jane; Stemple, Heidi Bad Girls: Sirens, Jezebels, Murderesses, Thieves, & Other Female Villains


Zaccari, Frank Five Years to Live
Zandri, Vincent The Disapperance of Grace
Zeiner, Helga Birthdays of a Princess
Zevin, Gabrielle Elsewhere
ZindelGirl of the MomentLizabeth 

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