Title: The Do Bees: Curbee Races the Nasbee 500
Publication: January 2007
Publisher: Wannabees Media
Genre: Children
Pages: 22
Audience: 3 and up
Rating: 5 out of 5
Source: Purchased
Favorite line: "Don't ever give up. That is the key. You can be anything that you want to Bee."
Amazon Synopsis:
The Do' Bees are some amazing bees who each "Do" something in order to "Be What They want To Be." Each story teaches children that no matter what obstacle is before them, they can overcome it and "BE ANYTHING THEY WANT TO BEE". As the cars take off CurBee is in the lead, he is showing off his car and it's amazing speed. Around the first corner there is a loud blast "Oh No," Every bee was asking, "Did CurBees's tire blow?" Can CurBee, who wants to be a race car driver, fix his car in time to win the race? With amazing, vivid, color illustrations throughout, the story of "Curbee Races the NasBee 500," teaches children that if they never give up they can "be anything they want to bee".
Amazon Synopsis:
The Do' Bees are some amazing bees who each "Do" something in order to "Be What They want To Be." Each story teaches children that no matter what obstacle is before them, they can overcome it and "BE ANYTHING THEY WANT TO BEE". As the cars take off CurBee is in the lead, he is showing off his car and it's amazing speed. Around the first corner there is a loud blast "Oh No," Every bee was asking, "Did CurBees's tire blow?" Can CurBee, who wants to be a race car driver, fix his car in time to win the race? With amazing, vivid, color illustrations throughout, the story of "Curbee Races the NasBee 500," teaches children that if they never give up they can "be anything they want to bee".
My thoughts:
I bought this for my nephew because he loves Cars and I thought this was a cute colorful book he might enjoy. The story rhymes the entire time so it is easy to read. It is an adorable story about bees and they are all racing in the Nasbee 500. Curbee appears to be the racing star and wants to win, but half way through the race his tire blows out. The story shows children that thinking outside of the box and never giving up are great characteristics to allowing you to be anything you want to be. I remember my parents all through my life told me I could be anything I wanted to be. Now, I'm in my last semester of grad school ready to become a librarian. I couldn't be happier and I hope to spread this knowledge to my nephew, he can be anything he wants to be!
I bought this for my nephew because he loves Cars and I thought this was a cute colorful book he might enjoy. The story rhymes the entire time so it is easy to read. It is an adorable story about bees and they are all racing in the Nasbee 500. Curbee appears to be the racing star and wants to win, but half way through the race his tire blows out. The story shows children that thinking outside of the box and never giving up are great characteristics to allowing you to be anything you want to be. I remember my parents all through my life told me I could be anything I wanted to be. Now, I'm in my last semester of grad school ready to become a librarian. I couldn't be happier and I hope to spread this knowledge to my nephew, he can be anything he wants to be!